
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recipe posts in the works

I've got several recipe posts that I want to share here that are in process, but it always amazes me how much more involved it is to get a recipe post ready.  Not even taking into consideration that I have to remember to get the pictures taken of the foods.  Well, I don't have to take pictures, but I like to.  Even though my pictures are not stellar quality, I like to give some sort of idea of what the food will look like.  I always find myself much more willing to try a recipe when I see a picture to go along with it - even if I'm uncertain of whether or not I'll like the recipe based on ingredients.

So... bare with me.  I'm going to try and post a simple little lentil soup recipe that's all my own and a couple chickpea recipes and oatmeal that I am sort of "passing along".  Hopefully they'll slowly start trickling out, with a few other random posts.

Till then, here's a typical Charlie face I see throughout the day.

That's his "Smile for the camera, Charlie!" face.  :)

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